Place born
Organisation / Person
1843-1877, soldier; photographer, British

Swiney, Captain Hugh Bladen

1843 - 1877

1824-1893, brewer, benefactor, Scottish, British

Walker, Sir Andrew Barclay

1824 - 1893

active 1850-1869, chartered civil engineer, England, British

Metford, William Ellis

1824 - 1899

active 1830s-1860s, sculptor; medallist, French

Vauthier-Gallé, Adrien

1818 - 1899

1821?-1897, active 1830-1853, etcher; draughtsman, British

Ashley, Alfred

1821 - 1897

c1840-1882, photographer, United States, Irish; American

O'Sullivan, Timothy H

1840 - 1882

1839-1897, optical instrument maker, German-born; British

Hilger, Adam

1839 - 1897

1886-1923, Met Office employee, RNVR Lieutenant, RAF Flight Lieutenant, British

Gendle, Albert Edgar

1809 - 1923

1842-1909, astronomical instrument maker, French

Gautier, Paul Ferdinand

1842 - 1909

1823-1895, faience maker, French

J. Vieillard & Cie

1823 - 1895

1819-1901, queen of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, 1837-1901, empress of India


1819 - 1901

1826-1891, photographer, Canadian

Notman, William

1826 - 1891

1819-1857, civil engineer, British?

Wild, Charles Heard

1819 - 1857

1825-1903, photographer, French

Tournachon, Adrien

1825 - 1903

1826-1902, active 1840s-1880s, naval officer; photographer; lyricist, British

Cheyne, John Powles

1826 - 1902

1834-1897, physiologist, German

Heidenhain, Rudolf Peter Heinrich

1834 - 1897

c. 1840, d. 1920, music composer; teacher; singer, British? active Italy, Spain, London

Slater, Edward

1840 - 1920

1824-1884, scientific instrument maker, Glasgow, Lanarkshire, Scotland, Scottish; British

White, James

1824 - 1884

c.1830-1919, manufacturer of dyestuffs; chemicals manufacturer, Huddersfield, England

Read Holliday and Sons Limited

1830 - 1919

1832-1907, surgeon, British; Scottish

Watson, Sir Patrick Heron

1832 - 1907

1831-1879, physicist, British

Maxwell, James Clerk

1831 - 1879

1820-1910, photographer; caricaturist; journalist; novelist; balloonist, French

Nadar, Félix

1820 - 1910

1824-1888, inventor, American

Wilson, Allen

1824 - 1888

1829-1904, geologist; astronomer, British; Welsh

Roberts, Isaac

1829 - 1904

1821-1902, physician; pathologist; anthropologist, German

Virchow, Rudolf Ludwig Karl

1821 - 1902

1842-1919, dermatologist, French

Hallopeau, Francois Henri

1842 - 1919

1831-1904, anatomist; embryologist, Swiss

His, Wilhelm

1831 - 1904

1824-1884, geologist, brass-founder, English, British

Tylor, Alfred

1824 - 1884

1819-1890, inventor who developed the typewriter, American

Sholes, Christopher Latham

1819 - 1890

c. 1830-1913, dermatologist, French?

Zambaco Pacha, Demetrius Alexandre

1830 - 1913

1826-1901, electrical engineer; inventor, Belgian

Gramme, Zénobe

1826 - 1901

1819-1905, Baron Lambermont, statesman, Belgian

Lambermont, Auguste

1819 - 1905

1826-1903, artist; photographer, British

Ruff, George

1826 - 1903

1821-1885, astronomer; astrophysicist; optical instrument maker, Polish

Prazmowski, Adam Jozef Ignacy

1821 - 1885

1833-1918, brewer, businessman and inventor, English; British

Lovibond, Joseph William

1833 - 1918

1828-1901, surgeon, Austrian-born; German

Junker, Ferdinand Ethelbert

1828 - 1901

1823-1877, engineer; manufacturer, German

Schäffer, Bernhard

1823 - 1877

1835-1955, opticians, optics and photographic and camera maker, Birmingham

J Lancaster and Son

1835 - 1955

1832-1901, botanist; geologist; mineralogist; arctic explorer, Finnish

Nordenskiold, Nils Adolf Erik

1832 - 1901

1832-1913, marine and general engineer, Scottish; British

Howden, James

1832 - 1913

1839-1932, shipping company, British

Royal Mail Steam Packet Company

1839 - 1932

1837-1925, locomotive engineer, British

Holden, James

1837 - 1925

1819-1867, inventor; sewing machine pioneer, American

Howe, Elias

1819 - 1867

1841-1928, physician; anatomist, Polish

Laskowski, Sigismond L

1841 - 1928

1838-;glass manufacturer; politician; photographer; UK

Stone, Benjamin

1838 - 1914

1824-1982, newspaper, British

Kent Herald

1824 - 1982

1823-1901, amateur astronomer & selenographer, French

Gaudibert, Casimir Maria

1823 - 1901

1841-2002, satirical magazine, England


1841 - 2002

1840-1912, physician; toxicologist; forensic scientist; university professor, British

Mann, John Dixon

1840 - 1912

1826-1894, director (railway company), MP, British

Dent, John Dent

1826 - 1894